After a durable power of attorney for health has been signed already, it will become effective in case the person signing it as the principal gets mentally incompetent. The mental competence has to be evaluated by a doctor, the name of whom can be stated in the form. In many cases, a single physician can conduct the check while in many cases two different doctors evaluate the competence of the person. Find out what the medical and financial power of attorney form process includes. Please visit this site to get a sample power of attorney form in Massachusetts.
Checking the level of understanding
The doctor performing the evaluation will consider whether the principal understands the points being covered in the online durable power of attorney form and what its significances are in his life. With a POA, a person assigns another individual to take decisions on his behalf and even act like he did. Choosing an unreliable person can work against the principal. Thus, doctors should check whether the principal is mentally competent enough to choose a reliable individual to act on his behalf.
Checking the ability to communicate reasonably
The physician should also check whether the principal has a proper understanding of how important the subject is, and whether he can communicate the various choices in a reasonable manner. It is only when a doctor determines the mental competence of the principal and certifies him to be mentally fit that he can sign a printable medical power of attorney form and bestow some level of authority to the agent that he appoints. In most states, a doctor’s evaluation is an indispensable part of the POA process.
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